Dan Craft
Dan is a holistic pain expert that specializes in helping people struggling with pain and injuries heal quickly and completely so they can live their life to the fullest.
He uses a variety of different tools to get to the root cause of your pain and form a plan that will actually work: posture assessments, stress assessments, corrective exercise, muscle testing, breath-work, lymphatic massage, bodywork, sleep coaching, and many others.
Dan’s passion for understanding the human body came early. He started working out at 11 years old and was instantly hooked. By 15, he was studying the muscles of the body and had his path set on being a personal trainer.
Dan got a degree in Kinesiology from Cal State Northridge, and began his career as a personal trainer with Equinox.
9 months into his dream job, Dan got in a surfing accident and unknowingly broke his neck. He went to multiple doctors and many specialists and nobody could figure out why he kept experiencing recurring headaches and concussion symptoms.
This went on for 19 months. Dan had to give up his dream job, move back home with his parents, and live a limited life. He saw how flawed the medical system was and how much pain took away your freedom and quality of life.
After Physical Therapy failed and he was left broke, Dan decided he was going to figure it out himself. Through his own research and discovery, he learned that his TMJ issues and anxiety were causing his neck to become more unstable, and invented his own rehab and exercises to get himself healthy.
He learned how to significantly reduce his anxiety, fix his lifelong jaw issues, completely stabilize his neck, and completely reverse his symptoms.
December 31st, 2017 was the last day he had pain. 3 months later he got an MRI and they determined that he had signs of a fracture in C2 that had now healed properly. He was in shock.
The shock and amazement of realizing he had unknowingly rehabbed a broken neck by himself made him realize there are other people suffering like him and not receiving help from the broken medical system. He made it his mission to help people like you break through so they can regain their joy and quality of life.
He believes that with the correct assessment and strategy to address the root cause, anybody can heal.
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